Breast Massage Technique For Lusciously Sensual Breasts


so breast massage is one of those things that I want every lady in my life to do so if I could have every single one of my girlfriend's do just two physical things everyday breast massage and cervical orgasm for us massage terrifical orgasms breast massage cervical orgasm every single day the reason I love breast massage so much is that it is such a simple way to transform your relationship to your body 

so I you know he did my body was disgusted by it battled with weight with eating disorders all kinds of stuff and it was so revolutionary to have a simple daily practice where I connected with my body in a loving sensual way and the breasts are so connected to the heart so physiologically sure giving a massage your increasing blood flow your increasing oxytocin your level to connect to yourself and others it's healthy right but there's something really empowering about connecting to this part of your body with so much love so much gentleness so you know we get really negative messages about ourbreasts 

they're the wrong size they're too saggy they're too big they're tosexual they're too much right the messages that we get about breasts are the same messages we get about being a woman so when you change your relationship to your breasts you also change your relationship to how you feel about being in your body as a woman and it's so simple you can do it in the morning before you get up and do your day you can do it at night before you fall asleep you can do it in the shower it's such a connected gentle way to say I love you I love you I love you I love you and it can really convert that protective mechanism that so many of us have like a defensive approach to the world 

where your chest is caved and you're just trying not to get hurt by people or the world at large it's like breast massage is like opening up and being like I'm here I'm so full of love I really love myself and I cando this I can show up in the world from a place of power that's grounded in that's what brass massage has given me and that's why I'm so excited to have you do it as well do you want to start with a skin friendly oil think almond or Java coconut something like that nothing fake or chemical inside you're gonna do the cross overstroke you're going to cut one hand beneath the breast Cup one hand on top of the breast and then you're going to stroke back and forth in alternative directions next you're gonna cut your breasts firmly holding them against your chest it's like you're safe I've got you you're really grounded and you're gonna do gentle circles up on the outside down on the inside with your breasts cupped it's a really delicious feeling and you especially feel it at the base of the breast so the next move is really good for the lymph of the brass for refreshing the brass for really improving blood flow you're cupping. 

The breast and you're just gonna shake them you can shake them quite vigorously if that feels good to you or you can do kind of a sensual shake that's much deeper and fuller and you can finish with the traditional Taoist breast massage you massage down on the outside up on the inside of the breasts and in the classical Taoist tradition this was meant to detox the breasts meaning any negativity any shame any way that you've rejected or that you judge your own breasts if you inhale deeply as you'redoing this massage and exhale and just imagine anything that doesn't serve your breasts just coming out of them through this breast massage and then you switch direction you massage down on the inside up on the outside and in traditional Taoism this is the direction that builds energy and the breasts so you can be concentrating on filling your breasts with love with ecstasy with joy with compassion with sensuality 

whatever you want and this is also the direction that traditionally is meant to grow the breasts now I've actually had quite a few women practice this and tell me it absolutely made their breasts bigger so you can go ahead and try it for your self and if you feel like your breasts are already really big you don't want them to be bigger then you just do the first direction also because that second direction brings energy to the breast sit's best to do it only if you have fully healthy breasts so if there's anything going on that you're worried about or might be concerned about in the health department around your breasts then just do the first direction for healing and nourishment and don't do the second direction so if you're really excited to incorporate these practices into your day-to-day life 

and you want to learn more I've got an amazing book for women wild woman in the bedroom it's got lots of practices for self-love sexualempowerment that you can check out and I also have a book for couples so if you're interested in trying some of these really cool practices and exercises with a partner then go a head and check out the book epic lovers

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